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Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions (“Terms”) are a set of legal terms defined by the owner of a website. They set forth the terms and conditions governing the activities of the website visitors on the said website and the relationship between the site visitors and the website owner.  Terms must be defined according to the specific needs and nature of each website. For example, a website offering products to customers in e-commerce transactions requires Terms that are different from the Terms of a website only providing information. Terms provide the website owner the ability to protect themselves from potential legal exposure.

In general, what should you cover in your Terms & Conditions?

In general, what should you cover in your Terms & Conditions?


  1. Who can use your website; what are the requirements to create an account (if relevant)

  2. Key commercial terms offered to customers

  3. Retention of right to change offering

  4. Warranties & responsibility for services and products

  5. Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights and logos

  6. Right to suspend or cancel member account

  7. indemnification

  8. Limitation of liability

  9. Right to change and modify Terms

  10. Preference of law and dispute resolution

  11. Contact info


You can check out this support article to receive more information about how to create a Terms and Conditions page.

• Types of Cookies and Purposes of Use

Cookies whose main purpose of use is to provide convenience to users are as follows;

1. Session Cookies: These are cookies that allow you to benefit from various features such as carrying information between internet pages and systematically remembering the information entered by the user, and they are necessary for the website's functions to function properly.

2. Performance Cookies: These are cookies that collect information about the frequency of visiting the pages, possible error messages, the total time users spend on the relevant page, and the way they use the site, and are used to increase the performance of the website.

3. Functional Cookies: These are cookies that remind the pre-selected options for the convenience of the user and are provided to the users within the scope of the website.

• How Can You Prevent the Use of Cookies?

Although the use of cookies allows the website to provide better service, you can prevent the use of cookies if you wish. To change your preferences for the use of cookies or to block or delete cookies, simply change your browser settings. Many browsers give you the option to accept or reject cookies, to only accept certain types of cookies, or to be alerted by the browser when a website requests to store cookies on your device so you can control cookies. It is also possible to delete cookies previously saved in your browser.

Below are links with information on what steps to follow to prevent the use of cookies on different internet browsers:

Adobe Analytics


Google Adwords

Google Analytics

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox



• Cookies Used on the Site Information about the Cookies Used on our Site is given in the table below:

Çerez Politikası

Cookie Source

Cookie Purpose

Cookie Type / Scope


Google Analytics (_ga)


Persistent Cookies Session Cookies / On All Pages

The Google Analytics _ga cookie is used to differentiate users and provide customer analysis. For detailed information about cookies for Google products:

• Contact Us Check out our Contact page to send us all your policy questions and comments.

This 'Cookies Policy' was last updated on: 10.08.2022

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